Unrequitted love.

But honey you are in love with

Something you don’t possess and you never will….

Something that you can admire from a distance,but never touch…

Something that can only enliven your dreamland,not your real world…

Something that you are willing to chase but can never get hold of…

Something that is up there,in the infinities of the heaven and you are stuck here on earth…

Something that is so beautiful,almost impeccable and hence the almighty did not write it in your destiny…

Something you can never have.

Don’t you know this will leave you crestfallen in the end? Β 

β€œI know”,came the reply with an audacious smile.


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My blog expresses me well 😊

13 thoughts on “Unrequitted love.”

      1. Yes, it is! But it is dangerous too, you know – you’ve a lot of power at hand. And as someone said it so correctly, “With great power comes great responsibilities.”

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